Thursday, September 20, 2007

AAAAGHHH! Me dumb.

I just noticed:
I accidentally left part of the shadow off of the solution jpeg for the Sunlight scene!! I mapped the shadows of G,H,J,K but then didn't color them in!! Here it is, corrected. I'll go back and replace the incorrect version in the earlier post. Soon I can pretend this never happened... Sorry if you fell prey to the old one.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

By request!

Believe it or not, a few you have asked for a return bout with today's troublesome shadow plotting exercises. Here are jpegs of the uncompleted exercises and their solutions (Click on them for the full-size versions, suitable for printing). Blogger doesn't seem to want to place them in the order I uploaded them, so here they are, in no order.